House of Cards is an American web series and a Netflix original show that was created by Beau Willimon. Netflix had decided to only make 6 seasons of the series out of which the first one was launched on February 1st, 2013. This show is set up in Washington D.C. and has multiple characters in it, but the main protagonists are Frank and Claire Underwood. This show has a charisma of its own and the power to indulge you to binge watch, with a lot of drama and turns that it takes. But the thing that sets it aside from the rest is the dialogues and direction. Every minimal aspect of body language and direction and even the delivery of essentials has been given complete attention by everybody. The show is highly regarded around the globe, but Netflix had decided to make the latest season it's final after allegations of sexual misconduct were proven on Kevin Spacey. Here is a trailer video that should be referred along, which will tempt you to watch the whole series.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
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» This political thriller has the caliber to take your breath away.
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