The Netflix original show has 6 seasons under the banner, out which the first was released on 1st February 2013 and the latest and the final one on 2nd November 2018. There are a total of 73 episodes in the whole series, with each episode bringing a new twist or turn and giving it the extra edge.
Season 1 (2013)
The main plot here is how Frank starts his fight against all odds with Doug and Claire on his side and makes and implements strategies to take higher authoritative place in his own party.
Season 2 (2014)
In this compilation, the battle to power heats up and what has to be seen here is how Frank climbs the ladder to power, exposing Raymond Tusk and bringing down Garrett Walker.
Season 3 (2015)
After 6 months being the President, here the crisp is to survive the political pressures and growing rifts with Claire.
Season 4 (2016)
In this season, Claire's character is more personified with strength, as she joins the political ground and runs from her home state. Tough decisions are taken against ICO and the tussle against Republican Conway takes big leaps.
Season 5 (2017)
Elections are due in a week and Frank takes help of martial laws and cyber crimes in order to get the presidency chair. His equation with Claire gets completely deteriorated and she takes on him in the end.
Season 6 (2018)
Frank is found dead under mysterious circumstances, in the beginning; Claire becomes the president and the battle growls between Doug and Claire. In the end, Claire makes Doug speak out about the killing of Frank whereby Claire stabs Doug with Frank's letter opener and the curtains are closed.
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