Francis Underwood, popularly known as Frank Underwood is the lead male protagonist of the Netflix thriller. The character is played by Kevin Spacey who had also won the Golden Globe award in the year 2015 for this role. He is known for his embedded devotion to his roles and the agility he has in himself. Spacey's body language, dialogue delivery and the shade of his character have won him accolades from all over the globe. He is a power hungry man, who is heavily indulged in political corruption and manipulation, and even kills people for the throne.
In the series, Underwood is from Gaffney, South Carolina and is a Harvard Law School graduate. He is a democratic whip in the Congress who is promised seat of the secretary of the state, but when the President backs off from his promise, he makes a plan to ouster him. With every season his demeanor in his party increases and towards the end of the 2nd season he becomes the President of the United States.
But after the 5th season, Netflix had cut ties with Spacey after allegations of sexual misconduct over him were proven true and the last and final season was made without him.
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